Topic The development of the International Register of Book Publishers (IRAP) (WG3)

By 24 July 2019
Researcher`s institution:
Host institution: Spanish National Research Council
Period of stsm: Between 2 weeks and 2 months
Funds approved:

Description of the topic: The development of the International Register of Book Publishers (IRAP) in the framework of ENRESSH COST action will entail joint research and technical work at least it three specific topics: a) collecting and standardisation of information for book publishers from different countries; b) analysing the diversity of the European book publishing landscape; c) database design (structure, metadata, book publishers’ discoverability, etc.) and data visualization.

Objectives: The general objective of the proposal is conducting research and technical work for making possible a comprehensive information system on academic book publishers for research evaluation purposes.


Expected results:

  • Broadening the current book publishers’ coverage of SPI Expanded
  • Providing a new brand to the information system.
  • Designing a database for discoverability, analysis and visualization of academic book publishers.


Duration: between 2 weeks and 2 months;

Host institution: Spanish National Research Council

Location: Calle Albasanz, 26-28. 28037. Madrid (Spain)
