Geoffrey Williams
Member photo:
Institution: EvalHum
Country: France
Early stage researcher:
Area of interests: Research Policy and Evaluation, Digital Humanities, Lexicography
Short statment:
Institution: EvalHum
Country: France
Early stage researcher:
Area of interests: Research Policy and Evaluation, Digital Humanities, Lexicography
Short statment:
Professor Geoffrey Williams, MSc, PhD is co-founder and President of the EvalHum Initiative, a European association seeking to promote the Social Sciences and Humanities through improved evaluation procedures and impact studies. He is a former Vice President for International Relations at the Université de Bretagne-Sud, France (UBS), and has a particular interest in rankings and their application to the Social Sciences and Humanities. A linguist and lexicographer, he is a former president of the European Association for Lexicography - EURALEX. He is currently director of the Department for Document Management in UBS, and of the LiCoRN research group. He is a member of the Digital Humanities group of the LIDILEM research unit of the Université Grenoble Alpes. Professor Williams has published widely in his field and is a member of numerous academic societies.