This page serves as the archive of the COST-Action 15137 ENRESSH.
ENRESSH has been perpetuated by the merger with the international association EvalHum and has become the association ENRESSH.
For current activities and news, please visit
ENRESSH is happy to announce the following ENRESSH webinar:
Monday, 7th November 2022 from 2-3pm CET (via zoom, see below).
Title of the Webinar: Renewing the journal market: the risk of quasi-predatory journal publishing
Input presentation 1:
Title: Predators for some, rational choice for others: a geopolitical perspective on questionable academia
Speaker: Emanuel Kulczycki, Adam Mieckiewicz University, Poznań, Poland
Abstract: My talk aims to show that “predatory journals” are easy-to-use labels to name complex and multidimensional practices in scholarly communication. In fact, these practices are the result of unequal power relations across central and semi-peripheral countries and institutions. I will argue that what is often named predatory publishing by the so-called Global North is—at the same time—a rational way of communicating research results following the science policy of a particular (semi-)peripheral country that wants to “get along with the center.”
Input presentation 2:
Title: Risks and Opportunities of Innovations in Editorial Procedures
Speaker: Serge Pascal Johannes M. Horbach, Aarhus University, Poland
Abstract: A plethora of innovations to reform journal editorial procedures are on their way, including moves towards more open and transparent practices, quests for automation and changing roles of actors involved. While having the potential to improve the editorial process, some come with the risk of jeopardising the integrity and quality of both the review process and published record. This talk will address such risks and opportunities by sharing experiences on guest editing a Frontiers journal.
The two short input presentations will be followed by 30 minutes of discussion and exchanges.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 989 9345 3383
Password: 789435
We hope to see you numerously!
The 26th International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators, STI 2022, will be held September 7-9 2022. The conference will be held in collaboration with the European Network of Indicator Developers (ENID).
The 2022 STI conference addresses the new issues and challenges that have appeared in Science, Technology and Innovation indicators. The conference will be the opportunity to showcase results from the intense work done in recent years on the way science, technology and innovation indicators are used in relating social actors to science and technology.
The 9th Conference on Scholarly Communication in the Context of Open Science PUBMET2022 will happen live in Zadar 14-16 September 2022. Registration is open:
Bravo Emanuel for you excellent presentation during the Open Science European Conference in Paris 4-5th February 2022, and live online!
Great to see the outputs from ENRESSH highlighted!
Our COST action may be finished, but the association is there to carry on the work! I hope many of you will join so as to participate in our forthcoming elections for a new board!
As we all know, our funded COST project came to an end in 2020. We were lucky to have held our final event in Paris just before the world shut down. Since, we have simply not been able to physically meet, but zoom has been working well!
So, ENRESSH is not dead, it has simply become an association!
From the outset, the groundwork behind our highly successful COST action was carried out by members of the association EvalHum. As the name ENRESSH had largely disappeared from the map, we simply renamed it as ENRESSH. Some are very much alive. If you want to join us as a member, just send an email to williams(at) to have our bank details.
Gradually, this page will change to reflect our new status, but the work goes on as we investigate evaluation procedures across Europe, and beyond, in the Social Sciences and Humanities, in all their diversity and wealth, and including the arts.

Paul Benneworth
It is with great sadness that we inform you of the passing of Paul Benneworth. Our thoughts are with his wife Leanne and his children Theo and Martha.
Paul was Professor of Innovation and Regional Development at the Department of Business Administration and Social Sciences at the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences and a Senior Researcher at CHEPS (Twente University), the Netherlands. Paul was a leader in our community and beyond. As the chair of Working Group 2 on societal impact and relevance of SSH research and as the manager of our Twitter account, we will remember him as passionate societal impact advocate. Paul was highly committed to supporting the careers of early researchers. He initiated the status of ENRESSH fellow, to recognize their contributions to our network. Paul also launched CARES, a collaboration between Working Group 2 and the Special Interest Group on early career researchers.
ENRESSH is indebted for his wonderful contributions to our network. We have published an In Memory for Paul by Julia Olmos-Peñuela. If you would like to include a testimonial, please contact Stefan de Jong.
A team* of ENRESSH members has published a paper ‘Multilingual Publishing in the Social Sciences and Humanities: A Seven‐Country European Study’.
We investigate the state of multilingualism across the social sciences and humanities (SSH) using a comprehensive data set of research outputs from seven European countries (Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Flanders[Belgium], Norway, Poland, and Slovenia). Although English tends to be the dominant language of science, SSH researchers often produce culturally and societally relevant work in their local languages. We collected and analyzed a set of 164,218 peer-reviewed journal articles (produced by 51,063 researchers from 2013 to 2015) and found that multilingualism is prevalent despite geographical location and field. Among the researchers who published at least three journal articles during this time period, over one-third from the various countries had written their work in at least two languages. The highest share of researchers who published in only one language were from Flanders(80.9%), whereas the lowest shares were from Slovenia (57.2%) and Poland(59.3%). Our findings show that multilingual publishing is an ongoing practice in many SSH research fields regardless of geographical location, political situation, and/or historical heritage. Here we argue that research is international but multilingual publishing keeps locally relevant research alive with the added potential for creating impact.
*Emanuel Kulczycki, Raf Guns, Janne Pölönen, Tim C. E. Engels, Ewa A. Rozkosz, Alesia A. Zuccala, Kasper Bruun Olli Eskola, Andreja Istenič Starčič, Michal Petr and Gunnar Sivertsen
An adequate research evaluation in the SSH (and beyond) corresponds to the research practices, makes its policy goals explicit, involves all stakeholders, ensures diversity of evaluation practices by respecting research’s local and international embeddedness, uses a broad range of explicit quality criteria adequate for the discipline(s) under evaluation, evaluates each criterion separately, is based on informed peer review combining qualitative judgement and quantitative information, respects interdisciplinarity and does not prioritise some fields over others. Download the full policy brief here.