COST Action CA15137 Training School 2019
(Presentations are available at the bottom of this page)
Date and location: 21–25 October 2019, Poznań, Poland
Local host: Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
Venue address: ul. Zwierzyniecka 7, 60-813 Poznań, Poland

Old town of Poznań
About this training school
National bibliographic databases for research output are essential to measure and monitor research outputs in the social sciences and humanities in a comprehensive way. This third ENRESSH training school will build on the experiences gained during the workshop ‘Working with national bibliographic databases for research output’ held in September 2018 in Antwerp. The training school will cover good practices in setting up national bibliographic databases, new dimensions of databases as well as quality assurance and analysis of data. Anyone who is involved in setting-up or maintaining national bibliographic databases or who would like to use data collected in such databases will benefit from participating in this training school.
The training school is organised within the framework of the COST Action “European Network for Research Evaluation of the Social Sciences and Humanities” (ENRESSH) by Working Group 3 (Databases and uses of data for understanding SSH research).
The trainers are: Sophie Biesenbender (DZHW Berlin), Tim Engels, Raf Guns and Linda Sīle (University of Antwerp), Elea Giménez-Toledo (CSIC, Madrid), Ying Huang (Wuhan University), Christina Huidiu (Digital Science), Dragan Ivanović (University of Novi Sad), Emanuel Kulczycki (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań), Janne Pölönen (Finish Federation of Learned Societies), Gunnar Sivertsen (NIFU, Oslo) and Jadranka Stojanovski (University of Zadar).
Learning outcomes
- Explain the role of national bibliographic databases in monitoring and representing scholarly output, particularly in the social sciences and humanities
- Explain particularities of research outputs in the social sciences and humanities
- Assess and discuss issues and differences in the set-up of national bibliographic databases worldwide
- Present a business plan for setting up or expanding a national bibliographic database taking into account both local context and good practices guidelines
The “European Network for Research Evaluation in the Social Sciences and the Humanities” is a COST action aiming to improve evaluation procedures for social sciences and humanities (SSH) within European research evaluation systems and research institutions. It brings together numerous experts, such as researchers in evaluation studies, policy makers and members of evaluation units, as well as researchers from SSH disciplines. Its approach is based on the comparison and the cross fertilization of strands of work dedicated to SSH research evaluation, currently under development in different parts of Europe, seeking to avoid unnecessary duplication and to upscale results.
COST is the longest-running European framework supporting transnational cooperation among researchers and scholars across Europe. It was created in 1971 to bridge the gap between science, policy makers and society. The framework supports the mobility of researchers across Europe and fosters the establishment of scientific excellence. COST also plays an important role in building a European Research Area.
Practical Details
The duration of this Training School is four working days (Trainees to arrive in Poznań on October 21 and depart on October 25. A grant of up to 700 EURO (up to 400 EUR for the residents of Poland) will be provided for accepted participants as a contribution to travelling costs, accommodation and subsistence during the Training School. All participants currently working in one of the 38 COST member countries or Israel (COST cooperating member) are eligible to receive a grant. Colleagues from other countries interested in the training school are invited to contact the organizers directly.
For grant related queries please contact Marek Hołowiecki.
For other queries please contact Emanuel Kulczycki.
Application process
Professionals and researchers at different ranks are eligible to apply for the training school, including graduate and PhD students, postdoctoral researchers, research managers, database developers, administrators, etc. However, priority will be given to early career investigators (PhD + 8), as well as to trainees from inclusiveness target countries (see COST ITC). Researchers from any branch of humanities and social sciences are welcome to apply, provided that they have an interest in SSH research evaluation and can participate actively during the whole training school.
Applicants to the training school asking for funding should submit:
- A motivation letter, not exceeding one page that provides a clear indication of experience relevant to the topic of the training school; provide a rationale of why you are interested in the training school and how you envisage the training school to contribute to your learning, career and research objectives.
- A short CV (2 pages max)
Please submit the applications to:
Tim C.E. Engels ( and Emanuel Kulczycki (
Closing date for applications: 8 July 2019
The applicant will be informed about acceptance for a grant via email.
This Training school is supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology).
About the host
The training school will be hosted by Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Scholarly Communication Research Group.
Day 1: Monday (October 21)
Arrival of the trainees
16:00 – 17:00 Welcome and introduction to the training school and state of the art with regard to national bibliographic databases (Emanuel Kulczycki and Tim Engels)
17:00 – 18:00 Learning outcomes of the training school and group work (Tim Engels and Linda Sīle)
19:00 – 21:00 Dinner at Concordia Taste (Zwierzyniecka 3/1, 60-813 Poznań,, the costs are covered by the organizers
Day 2: Tuesday (October 22): Good practices in setting-up national bibliographic databases
9:30-11:00 Overview of the ENRESSH good practices manual for national bibliographic databases (Linda Sīle & Janne Pölönen) 11:00–11:30 Coffee break
11:30-13:00 Formats, metadata, standards and vocabularies for national bibliographic databases (Part II of good practices overview, Dragan Ivanović & Raf Guns)
13:00–14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:30 Group work, part 1 15:30–16:00 Coffee break
16:00-16:45 Case 1: The German Research Core Dataset (Sophie Biesenbender)
16:45-17:30 Case 2: Monitoring of Research in Peru: Alicia and Regina (Eduardo Leuman Fuentes Navarro)
19:30-21:30 Visit to the archives of the University Library in Poznań, the costs are covered by the organizers.
Day 3: Wednesday (October 23): New dimensions for national bibliographic databases
9:30-11:00 What can Dimensions bring to national bibliographic databases? (Christina Huidiu) 11:00–11:30 Coffee break
11:30-13:00 Group work, part 2
13:00–14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:30 Monitoring of research output in China (Ying Huang)
15:30–16:00 Coffee break
16:00-16:45 Case 3: Update on monitoring of research output in Poland (Emanuel Kulczycki)
16:45-17:30 Case 4: Monitoring of research output using CRIS data (Gunnar Sivertsen)
19:30-21:30 Visit to Porta Posnania (Interactive Cathedral Island Heritage Centre of
Poznań), the costs are covered by the organizers.
Day 4: Thursday (October 24): Quality assurance and analysis of data from national bibliographic databases
9:30-11:00 Insights regarding social sciences and humanities obtained from studies of national bibliographic databases (Emanuel Kulczycki) 11:00–11:30 Coffee break
11:30-12:15 Identification of peer reviewed content, screening for predatory publishing and maintenance of publication channel lists (Janne Pölönen & Tim Engels)
12:15-13:00 The ENRESSH register of book publishers (Elea Giménez-Toledo) 13:00–14:00 Lunch
14:00-14:45 Case 5: Integrating persistent identifiers (Jadranka Stojanovski) 14:45-15:30 Case 6: Validating and enriching VABB-SHW data through external sources (Raf Guns)
15:30–16:00 Coffee break
16:00-17:30 Group work, part 3
19:00-21:00 Dinner at Brovaria (Stary Rynek 73-74, 61-772 Poznań), the costs are covered by the organizers
Day 5: Friday (October 25): Presentations, conclusions and award ceremony
9:30-11:30 Presentations of group work
11:30 Awarding of certificates of attendance and farewell
1 Introduction to the training school
2 Linda Sīle – Overview of DB manual
3 Dragan Ivanovic – Overview of DB manual
4 Sophie Biesenbender – Germany
5 Eduardo Fuentes – Monitoring of research in Peru
6 Christina Huidiu – Dimensions
7 Ying Huang – Monitoring of research output in China
9 Gunnar Sivertsen – Using CRIS data
11 Janne Polonen & Tim Engels – Peer reviewed content and predatory publishing
12 Gunnar Sivertsen & Elea Gimenez – Toledo Register of book publishers
13 Jadranka Stojanovski – Persistent identifiers
14 Raf Guns – Validating and enriching data through external sources
Group work presentations